Nagoya University The Student Support

About the Student Support

Greeting from the director

  •  The Student Support, Nagoya University is a newly launched organization that was reorganized from the Student Support Center on April 1, 2021. The Student Support Center itself is a new organization established in April 2019, based on the Center for Student Counseling established in 2001, for the purpose of further enhancing support for students in accordance with the changing times. However, as the spread of the new coronavirus disease has had a serious impact on the physical and mental health of students, the importance of student support has been reaffirmed, and this has led to another reorganization. In April 2020, the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System was established. This reorganization has enabled us to build a strong framework for collaboration with Gifu University in student support.

    The Student Support Center consisted of three offices: the Student Counseling Office, the Career Support Office, and the Office for Students with Disabilities. The Student Counseling Office becomes the Student Counseling Center, the Career Support Office is now the Career Support Center, and the Office for Students with Disabilities changes to the Ability Support Center. The change of name from "Office" to "Center" is not just a change of signboard. Each center will be able to respond to the needs of students more autonomously and flexibly under the direction of the center director, and a consistent student support system is in effect from admission to graduation. In addition, we have decided to change the name of the former Office for the Students with Disabilities to the "Ability Support Center" in order to provide support that not only addresses disabilities but also enables each student to demonstrate his or her individuality.

     Have you ever consulted with a specialist about your studies, career paths, or physical and mental health? In school education, the mind of independence and self-reliance is often emphasized, and it may have been considered undesirable to consult with others about one's problems. However, school life up to high school and campus life at university are very different. The scope of your activities, both physically and in terms of human relationships, expands rapidly, and your relationships with the people around you become more complex. Under such circumstances, when a problem arises, it is not feasible to try to solve it all on your own. In addition, with the spread of the new coronavirus infection, I believe that there are many students who are worried and troubled. Even if they want to share the anxieties and worries, the current situation in which students are not able to interact with each other in the same way as in the past is probably making them suffer even more. However, keeping your anxieties and worries to yourself will not lead to a solution in any way. It is natural for people to have worries. And the worries of adolescents are not the same in quality and quantity as before. If you have worries, you should not be afraid to talk about them with the people around you. If you feel uncomfortable talking to those around you, please visit the specialists at the Student Support. In the Student Support, there are experts who can help you with your problems and support your campus life. All of us at the Student Support will do our best to support you so that you can enjoy a richer campus life and leave for the world safely.

  • Portrait photo


    Jun'ichi SAKUMA

Organization and mission

General Reception



Student Counseling Center

  • Organization

    学生相談センターには、カウンセリング部門、メンタルヘルス支援部門、共修推進部門の3部門と、カウンセリング部門の中に特に教職員と保護者への対応を行うFaculty Consultation Officeがあります。

  • Mission


Career Support Center

  • Organization

    キャリアサポートセンターには、Career Support Division、Career Counseling Division、博士人材キャリア育成部門、国際Career Support部門があります。

  • Mission

    Career Supportに関する研究

Ability Support Center

  • Organization


  • Mission

    Disability Supportに関する啓発・周知活動


Student Counseling Center

Counseling Division

  • Kenichi SUZUKI

    Kenichi SUZUKI
    My sensei taught me that in the university years, transformation from being a "consumer of knowledge" to a "producer of knowledge" takes place. In the same way, until your high school years, you have been told to accomplish things on your own without relying on your parents, but in your university years, you are required to change the channel to a style in which you can be "independent while being moderately dependent" on your parents, faculty and staff, seniors, friends, and juniors. Learning how to be "moderately dependent" can be a difficult task despite its simplicity. Counselors work to help you to adjust such a balance.
    Interpersonal Psychoanalysis Clinical Psychology
    Recent boom and hobby
    Japanese Sake of Kanazawa, Shochu of Kumamoto, bourbon of New York
  • Masanori SUGIOKA

    Masanori SUGIOKA
    It is very meaningful to have time to "think about yourself" while you are a student. By asking yourself what you have always valued and what kind of life you want to pursue in the future, you can get a clearer picture of yourself. However, in everyday university life, it is quite difficult to find the time to think about yourself in depth. Why don't you come to the Student Counseling Center and make time for that?
    Clinical Psychology Community Psychology
    Recent boom and hobby
    Animation and TV drama in 90s
  • Hoshiko YAMAUCHI

    Hoshiko YAMAUCHI
    How do you imagine the Student Counseling Center? According to the results of a questionnaire that we conduct every year for new students, the answer that "it is a place that has nothing to do with me" stands out. This could be interpreted as new students being very energetic and far away from problems, but on the other hand, it could also be due to the image that seeking counseling is a weak or pampered thing to do. However, if you think about your long life, I believe that the ability to rely on someone when you need is your strength. Please feel free to use our support.
    Clinical Psychology
    Recent boom and hobby
    Travel, Beer of all over the world
  • Ryosuke KOBASHI

    Ryosuke KOBASHI
    Clinical Psychology
    Recent boom and hobby
  • Hisaya MATSUMOTO

    Hisaya MATSUMOTO
    I believe that there are things that are difficult to solve alone, but can be solved by working together. The role of the Faculty Consultation Office is to support students by working together with faculty, staff, family members, and Student Support personnel. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
    Clinical Psychology Organization Psychological Consultation
    Recent boom and hobby
    Foreign TV drama, Watching foregin news
  • Mamiko ODA

    Mamiko ODA
    Do you have a "buddy"? It doesn't necessarily have to be a person or an animal. I believe that your important hobbies and collections can also be a great buddy. University life is full of fun, but there may be times when things don't go as expected, and you may feel tired, lost, or troubled. This is when you should remember your buddy. At the Student Support, we can work together to find a strategy to overcome with your buddy the difficulties. Please feel free to come and talk to us. You might even find a new buddy!
    Clinical Psychology
    Recent boom and hobby

Mental Health Division

  • Tadaaki FURUHASHI

    Tadaaki FURUHASHI
    I feel reluctant ...
    A psychiatrist may seem like a somewhat inaccessible person. It may be because when you go to a crowded clinic in the city, you may be told casually, "You're not sick, so you don't need to come here". But there is a big issue here. For it is assumed that only those who are sick should come for treatment. In reality, this is not the case. In psychiatry, it is hard to determine what constitutes a disorder. Regardless of whether you are sick or not, even if you are not troubled by anything but because people around you say you should go, we are good at dealing with such issues, so please come to our Mental Health Division.
    Psychiatry Hikikomori (social withdrawal)
    Recent boom and hobby
    Collection of old western books
  • Wataru NAGASHIMA

    Wataru NAGASHIMA
    The university has a place where students can seek consultation. I am in the Mental Health Division of it. It provides consultations with psychiatrists on mental health issues and also deals with psychiatric diagnosis/medication if necessary. Actually, the consultation includes mental symptoms, but it is often "normal concerns". This may surprise you. I hope that we can work together to find out what you want to ask and know about your problems, without making a big deal out of the idea of a psychiatrist.
    Psychiatry Palliative Care
    Recent boom and hobby
  • Aya YOKOI

    Aya YOKOI
    There are times when you may have struggles with your relationships with those around you in classes, labs, club activities, etc., or you may suffer from stumbling blocks that you have never experienced before. If you experience symptoms such as depression, lack of motivation, sleeplessness, anxiety, etc., or if you have any trouble, please do not keep it to yourself and contact to us. Also, if you see students around you who seem to be struggling alone, please talk to us. We can discuss how to deal with the problem in a consultation or refer you to a medical institution if necessary. We offer medical services in the hope that your university life will be a fulfilling one.
    General Psychiatric illnesses
    Recent boom and hobby
    Playing piano

Inclusive Learning Division

Career Support Center

Career Support Division

  • Yasuhiro DOI

    Yasuhiro DOI
    I am Yasuhiro Doi, Director of the Career Support Center (Professor, Graduate School of Economics). This is my fifth year working at the Career Support Center and currently I am in charge of the supervision. With the development of innovative IT technology and the impact of the Corona disaster, the human resources required by companies and the way of thinking about recruitment are about to change. As the director of the Career Support Center, I would like to innovate and improve the education and opportunities provided by the center to meet the needs of companies and students.
    Recent boom and hobby
    Watching animation of hero affected by my child

Career Counseling Division

  • Sizuyo FUNATSU

    Sizuyo FUNATSU
    After graduating from the university, it's time to find a job. This is a major turning point in your life as you move from being a consumer to becoming a producer. "Where, with whom, and what are you going to produce?" I will do my best to support all of you as you try to find a career path in the midst of a series of first-time experiences at the critical time when you have to make a choices from various options in front of you as you become a member of society.
    Career Counseling
    Recent boom and hobby
    Listening to oher's hobby, expertise, knowledge etc.

    Recent boom and hobby

    Job hunting is an opportunity to face yourself, and "deciding for yourself" on the way leads to building your path. In making small choices and big decisions, there are times when you need courage. When you have hesitations that require courage, it may be when you are struggling hard to find the answer for yourself. I would like to help all of you who are working hard to find the answers for yourselves.
    Career Support
    Recent boom and hobby
    Walking, Pottering

Doctoral Student Division

  • Norika MORI

    Norika MORI
    I have been providing career support for international doctoral students and postdocs for 15 years. Originally, I was also a postdoc and experienced the joys and hardships of research. A career is a whole series of events that make up your life. Achievement in graduate school is not only about research results. You will gain a variety of abilities, and even struggles will become valuable experiences.
    I would like to support you in thinking about your career after graduate school. Please feel free to use this service even if you don't have a clear idea of what you are worried about.
    Career Support for Doctoral Personnel
    Recent boom and hobby
    Walking around, Cooking not getting old with ordinary foods, Meeting various people and listening their unique life

International Student Division

  • Yukiyo SATO

    Yukiyo SATO
    Your career doesn't always go according to plan. Also, careers are not for the successful. Each and every one of you, who are struggling to figure out what to do, is the star of your career. The international students who have overcome a major turning point in their lives, coming to study at Nagoya University. I believe that you have a wide variety of options in front of you. We will be there for you as you continue to take on new challenges, and will provide you with the support so that you can unravel your doubts and anxieties one by one and take a new step forward.
    Career Counseling
    Recent boom and hobby
    Yoga, Gardening
  • Midori KOJIMA

    Midori KOJIMA
    Recent boom and hobby

Ability Support Center

  • Shimpei KUDO

    Shimpei KUDO
    The word "disability" does not have a clear outline as is commonly believed, for instance, many people with weak eyesight are able to live their lives without problems with the use of glasses. Whether or not someone has a "disability" is determined in the environment in which they live. "Disability" is not considered as a "personal attribute", but as a matter of "relationship" with the surrounding environment, and "support" can be thought of as "adjustment of the relationship". I believe that my work is to provide this kind of "support for relations".
    Clinical Psychology Ex-offender's rehabilitation support
    Recent boom and hobby
    Taking photo
  • Chie IDEHARA

    Chie IDEHARA
    I have been working with students from various backgrounds at several universities. Besides students, I have also worked with people with different values, from young to elderly, who come to me to help them cope with their difficulties in life. Possibly, my experience with people who have similar difficulties to yours can be helpful to you. I would like to respond carefully to each individual's needs of psychological counseling, environmental adjustment, etc..
    Clinical Psychology
    Recent boom and hobby
    Social learning at a bar
  • Daisuke SHIGE

    Daisuke SHIGE
    I have worked with a variety of students, including those who have severe disabilities or developmental diversities. Each of them has different difficulties depending on their environment. It is important to listen to their individual needs. Based on that, I would like to find a way to give appropriate accommodations. Now let's work together on this.
    Disability Support Regional Welfare
    Recent boom and hobby

Concurrent Consultant


教育発達科学研究科 教授 金井 篤子 キャリア・カウンセリング
教育発達科学研究科 教授 河野 荘子 心理学
教育発達科学研究科 准教授 孤塚 貴博 家族発達臨床学
教育発達科学研究科 准教授 田附 紘平 発達援助臨床学
法学研究科 准教授 松田 貴文 民法
医学部附属病院 講師 高橋 長秀 精神医学
生命農学研究科 講師 近藤 竜彦 レジリエンス
心の発達支援研究実践センター 教授 松本 真理子 臨床心理学
心の発達支援研究実践センター 教授 金子 一史 心理学
心の発達支援研究実践センター 准教授 野村 あすか 心理学
脳とこころの研究センター 教授 飯高 哲也 臨床精神神経科学
総合保健体育科学センター 教授 竹之内 隆志 スポーツ心理学
総合保健体育科学センター 特任教授 小川豊昭 精神健康医学
総合保健体育科学センター 講師 横山 慶子 運動心理学
国際教育交流センター 教授 岩城 奈巳 国際教育交流
国際教育交流センター 講師 星野 晶成 国際教育交流


人文学研究科 教授 塩村 耕 人文学
人文学研究科 准教授 長山 智香子 性的多様性
教育発達科学研究科 教授 平石 賢二 心理学
情報学研究科 教授 北 栄輔 情報学・機械工学・計算力学
理学研究科 教授 嘉村 巧 生物学
医学系研究科 教授 錦織 宏 総合医学教育学
工学研究科 教授 原 進 工学(機械航空宇宙工学)・工学教育
工学研究科 教授 山澤 弘実 エネルギー工学・環境工学
生命農学研究科 教授 谷口 光隆 生産農学
生命農学研究科 准教授 白武 勝裕 農学・生物学
多元数理科学研究科 教授 納谷 信 数学(幾何学)
環境学研究科 教授 熊谷 博之 地球惑星科学
創薬科学研究科 教授 人見 清隆 研究生活
未来材料・システム研究所 教授 宇治原 徹 材料工学
減災連携研究センター 特任教授 田代 喬 河川工学・水防災学・応用生態工学
総合保健体育科学センター 教授 片山 敬章 運動生理学